Bring the news of Jesus to the Quilombolas

Goldemberg and Jackie prepare for the field

Video from Itacare - in Portuguese

This video (in Portuguese) shows the people and the  communities of the Quilombolas resident in Itacare, Bahia.  This is the target population of Goldemberg and Jaqueline.

Serving the Quilombolas in Itacaré, Bahia

The Mission Challenge - Quilombolas

     Goldemberg and Jaqueline are going to bring the news of Jesus to the Quilombolas.  These lost people have a long and difficult history.  This history begins with slavery in Brazil.  Significantly, Brazil had many more slaves than the USA, an estimated three million.  With this many, it is not surprising that some of the slaves escaped.  In order to survive, they often traveled from the coastal areas deep into the interior.  In the Northeast of Brazil, there is a vast arid region known as the Sertão.  This region was very difficult for the Quilombolos.  

     In the same fashion, it was very difficult for the hunters of escaped slaves.  However, the Quilombolos learned how to survive in these harsh lands.  Today, Quilombolas maintain hundreds of insular communities.  To this day, Quilombolas are private and do not like to be photographed. 

     Most Quilombolas are in the Northeast of Brazil.  Some of these communities are rural and some are neighborhoods of larger Brazilian cities.  Itacaré is not in the Sertão.  It is in Bahia, the Brazilian state with the largest verified number of Quilombola communities.  

About Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil


     In the Itacaré area, there are seven Quilombola communities along the Contas River.  Transportation is much easier by boat.  This is because the roads are difficult or impossible.  Therefore, Goldemberg needs a boat.


     Initially, Goldemberg and Jaqueline must live in the town of Itacaré.  Before they can move and live in a Quilombola community, they must be invited.  Thus, they will have to reside in the coastal town of Itacaré until they are invited to join a Quilombola community.  This may take years.  


    Itacaré is a beachfront vacation destination for the nearby capital city of Salvador.  This may sound nice, but the cost of living is much higher than in rural Brazil.  For example, landlords like doing beach rentals.  This means a long-term lease is unusual and expensive.  But, for now, this is the only place they can live to reach the Quilombolas regularly.

Bring the News of Jesus to Itacaré

Goldemberg and Jaqueline

The Calling

     In the second half of 2019, we moved to Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil near a collection of Quilombola villages.  This is our calling from God.  In response, we pray for the financial support needed for our work.  We are beginning the work of evangelizing the Quilombolas in Itacaré county.  None of these Quilombolas know Jesus.  Furthermore, there are no churches for these people.

     This year, we visited some of these Quilombola communities in Itacaré.  In preparation, after spending a lot of time in prayer, the Lord directed us to start our mission work in this rural area.   This area has seven  Quilombola communities.  Fortunately, contact has already been made with people from two of these communities.  As a result of our first meetings, we look forward to seeing these people again.

     In this calling, we wish to dedicate initially, between five and ten years of our lives in the evangelization and discipleship of these people.  We want to help these people, who need to know and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our History

     I (Goldemberg) was raised in a Catholic family, but the Lord saved me age 9.   My birthplace of Bahia state is a stronghold for African witchcraft and other dangerous religious practices.  As a result, at age 20, when visiting a community in the Sertão my heart broke for these people.  They did not know Jesus!  The Lord burned into my heart a love and passion to save these people!  Consequently, I want to bring the goods news of Jesus to these people.

     I (Jaqueline) was born in Natal, in Northeast Brazil.   My Christian grandmother was significant in my spiritual development.  I had a personal experience with God that transformed my walk.  As a result  my faith walk was much stronger.  This was in 2005.  Two years later, in 2007, I participated as an evangelist with the campus ministry CRU (formerly Campus Crusade).  As a result, my passion for the lost and for evangelism grew stronger.  This led me in 2015 to go to the JUVEP seminary for training.

     We were married last year.  As a newlywed couple we have a strong shared commitment to bring the news of Jesus into the Quilombolo communities.  

Preparation for the Quilombolas

     I (Goldemberg) completed a university education with a degree in business.  This prepared me to work for the large companies of Brazil.  However, it turned out to be a blessing in ministry as I am able to use this education to serve JUVEP as head of finance.

     In 2014, I participated in a JUVEP “Project Missionary” evangelizing the Quilombola people.  When I saw people imprisoned by sin, I remembered that my family started in the same lost condition.  In response, my conviction grew stronger.

     In 2015, my seminary training at JUVEP began and I met Jaqueline.  Jaqueline was another volunteer.  We connected well, started dating and were married in June 2018.

     My seminary training was complete in 2016.  This prepared me for cross-cultural evangelism.  Because of my business education, I have served as JUVEP’s finance manager for the last three years.  This is while I am waiting for the mission field.   Clearly for us, the mission field calls!


Our Passion - Reach the Quilombolas

Bring the good news of Jesus to the Quilombolo people so they have the same hope in life and in eternity that we have.


Special Requsts for this Work

  • Pray for God’s provision as we do final planning for our move;
  • and that God has prepared us well for our calling in Itacare.
  • We need prayer warriors and supporters.
  • For financial support from individuals, churches and others for:

  –  regular financial maintenance

  –  extra costs for transition to Itacare (including transportation)

  –  gifts to support ministry projects to disciple new believers 

Two Missionaries

Budget Needs

Monthly Expenses - Goldemberg and Jaqueline (est.)

How to Support Goldemberg and Jaqueline's Work with the Quilombolas

Primarily for regular sustenance so that we may persevere in the ministry.  For now, we need financial support to make the transition, as moving is expensive.  We have a remaining debt on our car of $4000.  Consequently, clearing this would be a great blessing!    We also require extra funds to get established, as the custom to rent an apartment here is two months advance deposit.  Once we are able to gain Christian believers, funds are needed to pay for discipleship  resources and ministry materials.

Regular expenses include monthly living and personal expenses like rent, food, health care, fuel and car expenses. We cannot do this without help!

We pray hat the Lord will provide:

  1. opening of the hearts of the Quilombolo people to hear and embrace the good news of Jesus.  
  2. a warm welcome from Quilombolo people, that they receive us well, with no fear and with a willingness to hear about Jesus.
  3. smooth adaptation to living in this environment.
  4. clarity on how to effectively work among the Quilombolos, so that we are received warmly and are message is embraced.
  5. destruction of the  demonic strongholds that impede the Quilombolo’s openness to the gospel.
  6. godly people who understand the imperative of this call and our need for financial support.

For now, we need extra funding to help us relocate and get established in Itacare.  We do not have the money we need yet and are trusting in God for provision.