JUVEP Seminary
The JUVEP Seminary is one of the premier educational institutions in Brazil’s Northeast with a focus on cross-cultural missions and missionary preparation. Whereas most seminary programs leave missions to some brief theology training, Mission JUVEP focuses on the skills, mindset and reality for those few individuals who will go deep into remote areas with people having little knowledge of Jesus. They will persist for years sharing the good news and building a community of faith.
Secondary benefits of the JUVEP Seminary Consolidation
Another important benefit is cost reduction. JUVEP owns the Base camp facility and will save the significant rental costs of the downtown facility. Note that the JUVEP Base Camp has available unfinished space for classrooms. The renovation of administrative and classroom space is complete, but other facility priorities are still lacking the funding (including work to bring the space up to building code standards).
JUVEP Seminary Consolidation - Increasing Effectiveness in God's work
Perhaps the most important benefit of the consolidation is the synergy in achieving outcomes for the Lord’s work. CPM is strong in missiology – preparing people for the transcultural mission field. The JUVEP Seminary is strongest in theology. But, JUVEP’s core mission requires both theology and missiology. Rather than having two separate centers of excellence, the JUVEP Seminary Consolidation are allowing one institution to draw on and synergize the strengths. All graduates will be better equipped in both theology and missiology – a JUVEP core objective.
Seminary Mission
Contribute to the evangelization of the Brazilian Sertão and other less-reached peoples through the mobilization and empowerment of Christians, working in cooperation with the local church and other evangelical institutions in sending and supporting missionaries in faithfulness to God’s Word.
Seminary Vision
To be an organization recognized for its commitment to the evangelization of the Brazilian Sertão, as well as less-reached peoples worldwide, committed to the pursuit of excellence in the preparation of workers with a focus on transcultural workers.
Status: Remodeling the Facility
Overarching Objectives
- Provide appropriate and legally compliant facilities to Seminary and CPM students, teachers, and staff (some compliance issues remain);
- Increase the administrative and financial efficiency of the two schools (done);
- Improve the academic excellence of both schools and better integrate them into Juvep’s mission and vision (underway and continuing).
Specific Implementing Objectives
1. Specific Purpose: To provide adequate and legally-compliant facilities for Seminar and CPM students, teachers, and staff:
- Renovation of 4 (four) Classrooms (complete)
- Upgrading for 3 (three) Offices to make the space more functional (complete)
- Improve the Reception, Library, Auditorium, Cafeteria and Kitchen (partial pending funds)
- Create a Laundry Building (not complete)
2. Specific Objective: To increase the administrative and financial efficiency of the two schools (essentially complete):
- Bring together the two work teams
- Integrate the two academic departments
- Merge the two accounting systems
- Two libraries merged into one JUVEP library
3. Specific Objective: To improve the academic excellence of both schools and better integrate them into JUVEP’s mission and vision. (complete and ongoing)
- Develop a unified pedagogical project
- Develop new programs within the mission and vision of Mission JUVEP.
Budget (Total $R150,000, About $35,000 )
Buildout Four Classrooms
Windows installation (2x), ceiling installation (2x), electrical installation for air conditioning, installation of panels and monitors ($R25,000- Done)
Three Offices
Partitions and electrical installation ($R9,000 – Done)
Reception Area
Entrance and space renovation for reception area, furniture purchase ($R10,000 – Done)
Construction of 5 (five) new bookshelves and 5 (five) student desks; buying chairs ($R7,000 – Done)
Purchase of 120 (one hundred and twenty) chairs and one (1) auditorium table; sound system ($R7,000 – Partually done)
Dining Hall
Purchase of 15 (fifteen) sets of tables with their chairs ($R5,000 – Not Yet)
Break Room
Furniture for the Break Room ($R9,000 – Not Yet)
Updates to kitchen facilities found to have code violations (ANVISA): for example, installation of tilting windows, hoods, shelves (stainless steel) and cabinets with doors ($R14,000 – Not Yet)
Construction of laundry facility for use by residential students and staff ($R30,000 – Not Yet)
Internet & Telephone
Change of wiring; telephone exchange installation ($R5,000 – Done)
Parking Area
Improve the existing gravel driveway and parking surface ($R24,000 – Not yet)
Correcting other Code Violations
Adequacy of the building to the technical requirements: internal signage and ambiance; access ramps ($R5,000 – Not Complete)