JUVEP Base Camp


who we are

Theological Seminaries

and the

Center for the Preparation of Missionaries (CPM)

JUVEP operates four locations dedicated to training for evangelism in the Sertao.

Training for Evangelism in the Sertão

Center for the Preparation of Missionaries (CPM)

CPM operates from Base Camp in Cabadelo, Brazil and provides focused training for evangelism for Godly servants planning for service in the harsh Sertão and elsewhere.

JUVEP Seminary

JUVEP's main semniary campus is colocated with the base facility of all JUVEP operations in Cabedelo, Brazil. It provides a missionary focused theological education with bachelors and masters degree programs. Many successful pastors and missionaries received education from the JUVEP Seminary (originally based in downtown Joao Pessoa). This main seminary provides guidance and assistance to the two extension seminaries located in the Sertão.

Seminary Itaporanga

Located in the Sertão, the Itaporanga, Paraiba facility is a lower cost training for evangelism facility that provides easy access to local communities. This is culturally-relevant pastor training in the Sertão at its best.

Seminary Sousa

The seminary in Sousa, Paraiba is in the Sertão, (near Itaporanga) and is focusing on a different people group than Itaporanga. This is also culturally-relevant pastor training in the Sertão at its best.

Study and Prayer at Base Camp

There is joy knowing Christian students at JUVEP are able to continue their missionary education in preparation of taking the good news of Jesus to Brazil and the world.

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The JUVEP seminaries are eternally grateful for your support!


Grace and Peace to all who call on the name of Jesus.