Neidinha - Missionary to Children

Meet Neidinha
Today, I am a missionary to children and women.
God called me to service in 1998. I was poor and unable to provide the funds necessary for seminary training. But praise be to God, a small fellowship enabled me to complete my education.
I served for years in Brazil, including one year under the JUVEP Radical Sertão program. In 2015, God called me to go to South Asia, very far from Brazil, and serve as a missionary to children.
Neidinha - A Word from the Lord
I heard about a Country in South Asia where the Children were suffering a lot on the streets. When I heard this my heart broke. The poor children were despised! This was horrible! I started praying that I would go to that Country and be a missionary to children. God answered my prayer, but I can’t talk much about this place because preaching the gospel there is dangerous.
Neidinha - My Call to Asia
Missionary to Children
In 2015 my Home Church and Two agencies sent me to South Asia. I’m serving God in a Big City with an Education Project for Children and women. I am a missionary to children and women. In this place Children and women are very discriminated. It is very difficult to preach the Gospel and there is a lot of persecution. I am glad to be a missionary to children and women.
Serving in South Asia
““You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
(John 15:16 NIV)
God chose me for going far from home and bearing fruit. Now, serving Him in South Asia has been challenging. This is because I am a single woman. Thank God, I am serving Him with a wonderful team.
Arriving in the Field
When I arrived in that field in 2015, I helped a team in the Bible School for Children. We had more than 100 children every Sunday. In 2017, our team opened a Education Project for Children in another place in the City. The children study English, computer and guitar classes during the week and they study the Bible on Sunday. I’m teaching guitar in the Project with Christian Songs and I’m helping in the Bible School. We have more than 100 children coming to Bible School. A Missionary to Children! Praise God!
God filled my heart with love for these people. Their beliefs are so odd, they truly need to know about the one who can save – Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul says in Romans:
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And_how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”
(Romans 10:14-15 NIV)
It is a privilege for me and for my team, to share The Good News for those who don’t know Jesus. I love being a missionary to children.
Neidinha - For Tomorrow
I believe that in my mission field of South Asia, God will continue guiding me. Soon, I will move to another City. It Is really difficult to share the Gospel, but the Bible says:
“For no word from God will ever fail.”
(Luke 1:37)
As Mary said, I can say:
“May your word to me be fulfilled.”
(Luke 1:38 NIV)
May He bless all of you and thanks for being part of my journey missionary. Thanks for your prayer and support. Please help.
My Early History
I was born in a tiny village in Brazil. It was called Lagoa Grande (Large Lake) in the County of Alto Santo and Brazilian state of Ceara. That county of Alto Santo was a very remote and poor area. It is so small and so remote that it did not have a school.

Lagoa Grande, Ceara, Brazil
When I was eleven years old I went to Fortaleza, the large capital city of the State of Ceará. I went because there was no school in Lagoa Grande.
For eleven years all I knew was living with my parents. Of course, leaving home at age 11 was scary. The move was from the village to a big city (Fortaleza) for studying.
Leaving Home
I asked God why I needed to leave my home? Years later I understand that He was preparing me to serve Him as a missionary.
When I finished my high school, I started to work in a pharmacy office. A friend in the pharmacy office talked about Jesus. In 1997 I became a Christian.
Experience with God
I believe:
“In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)
When my friend in the pharmacy shared about God, posing the question “Who is He?” My heart was touched. I couldn’t resist His grace, because His grace is irresistible in my life.
Then He confirmed in His word that He had called me to follow Him. I was to search for people to become His disciples.
The "Great Commission"
When I first heard about ‘The Great Commission’ my heart burned. I said to myself, “I want to be a missionary!” This became my prayer. God heard and answered my prayer.
God knew that I was scared to leave my family, my Job and my life in my Country.
He always encouraged me with this Word when I’m scared to go where He wanted to send me. He spoke to me from Joshua 1:9.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
(Joshua 1:9 NIV)
When I look back, I can see How God is wonderful and Sovereign.
Neidinha - Missionary Preparation
In the Brazilian Sertao, Mission JUVEP does wonderful work including sponsoring a semiannual short-term Mission’s Project. These three-week projects do evangelism in preparation for planting a new church (with some partner denomination)
In the year 2000, I joined the team for a Missionary Project. This experience helped confirm God’s call on my life. This was also assurance that God would prepare me to Go. Wherever.
Neidinha - Theological Preparation
I did not have a proper theological preparation. Still, He called me to serve Him full time. I didn’t know what it would be like. But, that was OK because when God calls us to fulfill His Mission, He opens the doors and provide all we need.
After this Mission Project I continued to serve in the local Church. Praise be to God, after one year the Church sent me to the Seminary! I studied for four years in theology and one more year of missiology.
In 2007 I went to Bolivia for a month-long practical internship. It was a cross-cultural experience and I really learned a lot.
Riacho de Santo Antônio
From 2009 to 2011, I was serving God in a small City, Riacho de Santo Antônio in Brazil. I was alone, but I had conviction that God didn’t leave me alone, because He promised that:
“(…) surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
(Matthew 28:20)
He manifested His Glory among the people in that City, I could preach the Gospel, teach His Word, pray for the people being healed, because He was with me.
Neidinha - My Passion
My heart is broken by the poor and despised children. These are children of God, who more than anything need to know their Savior Jesus. I want to help them live better with Jesus and be able to share their eternal hope with their blinded neighbors and to demonstrate a love – Jesus’ love – that is so strange in this land.
The Mission Challenge - South Asia
Most of the people here are so lost. Their religious traditions make Christianity hard to explain, as the concept of one loving God is so odd to them. Plus, the notion of God sending Jesus to the cross for our sins is even harder to grasp. But, it is God who opens hearts and there is no task too hard for man – when God is directing the work.
I am blessed to be part of a team where we can reach people through an Education project where we teach English, guitar, and a computer class. On Sundays we invite everyone to church. We need much prayer and constant grace from the Lord, as preaching the gospel openly is very dangerous here.
How to Support Neidinha's work in South Asia
I’m in Brazil at this time, needing God to raise more financial partners for my return early next year. Please pray that the Father will use His faithful servants and that His work be expanded among a people who do not worship Him.
Christian work here is dangerous. Satan has a tight hold on these people! Pray for their eyes to open to the truth of the gospel, help them imagine a loving God and come to know Christ personally. Of course, please pray for our safety. This is a dangerous place to preach.
For now, I need money in order to return to my work in South Asia. Beyond that, we can improve our educational programs to reach more people. Please inquire for details.