Harvest100Fold Donation
Serving the unreached in Brazil's Northeast.
Harvest100Fold Donation Highlighted Needs
There are many opportunities for a Harvest100Fold donation to have a big impact on sharing the gospel in Brazil, especially the Brazilian Sertão. Donations go directly to the mission agencies – not to Harvest100Fold. Also check out the specific Missionaries needing your help! Some focus on the general challenge of the Sertão while other focus on specific people groups, like the indigenous, the Ciganos or the Quilombolas.

Donations to Mission JUVEP are tax deductible and are handled by TrustBridge Global. Click the link to learn more.
JUVEP Institutional Support
The CoronaVirus crisis in Brazil has seriously impacted JUVEP operations. Many events are canceled. This includes the annual Congresso, Project Missionary and Radical Sertão. Without support of people like you, JUVEP cannot sustain core operations. Please HELP!

Credit card donations are available to help missionaries. They are not tax-deductible, but are the most cost-efficient donation option.
The CoronaVirus crisis in Brazil is threatening missionaries ability to stay in the field. If donors stop helping, they must leave their field. But, they are needed all the more! Creative missionaries are able to preach to neighbors while practicing social isolation. Please HELP!

Credit card donations are available to help the seminaries. They are not tax-deductible, but are the most cost-efficient donation option.
The CoronaVirus crisis in Brazil has terribly disrupted operations at the Center for the Preparation of Missionaries and the JUVEP seminaries. There is an urgent push to advance distance learning. Then many students lose their access to funds for schooling. Please HELP!