Destination - Missions into the Sertão

Destination – Missions! Short-term missions to Brazil‘s Northeast will not leave you hidden in some missionary compound. We go out, see the countryside and meet the people. There are a number of small church plants trying to build deep and enduring roots for the gospel. We will help these Godly pastors who are working to break through the idolatry and failed worldviews that have enslaved the people for centuries. Most of these churches are less than ten years old, with tender roots that still need much nourishment.
Mission JUVEP trains Godly men and women to forge new frontiers in the Sertão. Yes, there are thousands of towns awaiting their first missionary. JUVEP has a lot of work to do. For us, we will go where the missionaries have found some success. If you want to go to a pristine mission field, ask us about joining a JUVEP Mission team.
Click on a Photo below to learn more about the destination.
Destination: Sumé
Destination – Sumé. Sumé is about 30 minutes from Serra Branca. Your team can survey the Cariri region atop the local “mountain.” Of course, the people of Sumé need to learn about Jesus as their savior. Too many think of Jesus as Mary’s baby, a feature of Mary’s miracle, not as God. Click the photo below to learn more.
Destination: Piancó
Destination – Piancó. Piancó is deeper in the Sertão, about 6 hours inland in the Piancó Valley. Pastor Tarcisio is doing a great job with his relatively new church, offering school support, sports, and other activities. He has some American support, which has GREATLY help advance the gospel there. You will be welcome too. Tarcisio is reaching nearby communities and the needs in the Sertão are great. Click the photo below to learn more.
Destination: Carnaubeira da Penha
Destination – Carnaubeira da Penha. Much deeper into the Sertão, about 8 hours inland, is Carnaubeira da Penha. This is the location of a collection of Indian tribes. Leo and Deborah Rock are working diligently to share the good news of Jesus with these people. With multiple tribes and over ten thousand people, the task is daunting. But, God can provide. You can help, too. Click the photo below to learn more.
Destination: Vila Feliz, Cabadelo, Brazil
Destination – Vila Feliz. Vila Feliz is different than the above locations. Rather than being in the Sertão, it is right in the coastal metropolitan area. But if you didn’t know where you were, it would look a lot like the Sertão, very poor, dirt roads, and houses in need of some upkeep. The mission work is similar, people with worldviews of dependency and hopelessness. The new church at Vila Feliz is making a difference. You can help. Click the photo below to learn more.