Destination - Carnaubeira da Penha
An area with many Indigenous Villages (or communities)
Welcoming short-term missionaries
Destination – Carnaubeira da Penha. There are nearly 100 different Indian tribes in this Sertanajo city. a few small town in the Brazilian Sertão with recent church plants. Building a community of faith there is tough work. The Catholic church is strong opposition. Teaching people that Jesus is a savior, and not just Mary’s child, is a message that will be opposed. But God provides.
In these small towns, the children easily embrace before and after school programs. This enables the children to learn about the true Jesus, sometimes enticing their parents to seek the truth. The soil is prepared and Christian faith can take root.
Fellype and Karol will welcome short-term American missionaries to help. The town will be curious about visiting Americans and the children can come in great number to hear the message. Their parents can get the invitation to the programs as well. Maybe they hear the gospel for the first time and a new seed starts to grow. Come. See. Participate. Make a difference. To God be the Glory!
Destination - Carnaubeira da Penha

Pastoral Team:
Leo and Deborah Rock
Leo and Deborah Rock welcome you to join the mission field in Carnaubeira da Penha. Though Brazilian, twenty years living in Boston has made them fully American too!
Where is Carnaubeira da Penha?
Views of Carnaubeira da Penha
Destination – Carnaubeira da Penha. So, you might think this is an extra challenging work. Actually, the indigenous communities are among the most welcoming to missionaries. In some parts of Brazil, Christianity is well established in Indian communities. But, not in the Northeast. Thus, it is a ripe field for missionary work. Look closely. You might see a resemblance between the two Indian boys in the upper left photo with the suburban Boston kids in the upper right photo. Click the image for a closeup.
Destination – Carnaubeira da Penha. The mission work here is new. A JUVEP mission project and a church plant are planned for the near future. This will be wonderful, but with over ten thousand people, it is but a beginning. Come and help!