Destination - Piancó
The Central City in the Piancó Valley
Welcoming short-term missionaries

Destination – Piancó About five hours inland, clearly in the Brazilian Sertão, you will find Piancó. Piancó is one of the few small cities that received short-term mission teams from Mission JUVEP several years back. The gospel was preached, the good news took root and churches were established. Piancó is one of these success stories.
Today, Pianco is one of the shining stars in the Sertão. But, the work is relatively new. Pastor Tarcisio is doing a great job. But, there is so much more to do! So many more people to reach. So much discipleship needed. New leaders who can bring up the next generation.
Piancó is also a success story for their before and after school programs. Parents are glad to get their children a little extra academic help and quality social time with friends. The children also learn about the true Jesus, sometimes enticing their parents to seek the gospal truth. The soil is prepared and Christian faith can take root. They are working to grow the current and future generations for Jesus.
Tarcisio welcomes short-term American missionaries to help. Both Piancó and surrounding towns will be curious about visiting Americans! You might help with special evangelism events or service projects. Come. See. Participate. Make a difference. To God be the Glory!
Destination - Piancó

Pastoral Team:
Tarcisio welcomes you to visit Piancó and help share God's love with the people in the Piancó Valley.
Views of the Town - Piancó
Destination – Piancó. Piancó is well inside the Sertão region. The Sertão is well known for occasional extended droughts and high temperatures. Being about eight degrees South of the Equator, it is no surprise that daily highs of 100 Fahrenheit are common. There are plenty of poor people, but not the kind of abject poverty one might see in Africa or Asia. As they say, Brazil is a land of great potential.
Destination – Piancó. The church is simple, but serves its purpose.
Piancó Church

Sunday Worship Space

Sports Outreach

Serving the Children

Piancó Ministry

Serving the Adults