Destination - Serra Branca
Serra Branca means "White Mountain"
Welcoming short-term missionaries
Destination – Serra Branca. There are a few small town in the Brazilian Sertão with recent church plants. Building a community of faith there is tough work. The Catholic church is strong opposition. Teaching people that Jesus is a savior, and not just Mary’s child, is a message that will be opposed. But God provides.
In these small towns, the children easily embrace before and after school programs. This enables the children to learn about the true Jesus, sometimes enticing their parents to seek the truth. The soil is prepared and Christian faith can take root.
Fellype and Karol will welcome short-term American missionaries to help. The town will be curious about visiting Americans and the children can come in great number to hear the message. Their parents can get the invitation to the programs as well. Maybe they hear the gospel for the first time and a new seed starts to grow. Come. See. Participate. Make a difference. To God be the Glory!
Destination - Serra Branca

Pastoral Team:
Fellype and Karol Torres
Fellype and Karol wecome you to visit Serra Branca and help share God's love with the people living there.
Views of the Town - Serra Branca
Destination – Serra Branca. It is often a pleasant surprise to see just how neat and clean the people of Serra Branca keep their community. There are plenty of poor people, but not the kind of abject poverty one might see in Africa or Asia. As they say, Brazil is a land of great potential.
Destination – Serra Branca. The church is simple, but serves its purpose. Actually, Fellype and Karol are hoping to be able to rent a bigger space so they can host more children. The classroom shown below is small. Many more children could be servcd in a larger space.
Serra Branca Church

Sunday Worship

Cactus Farm

Children's Classroom

The economy around Serra Branca is weak. There is some agriculture with goats and some cattle. About the only successful crop is cactus. Cactus can feed some animals when the dry conditions persist. Most income is either government jobs, transfer payments, or a few retail businesses. Generally, people who gain a decent education leave for other parts. This perpetuates the poverty in the Sertão. Come and help!