Destination - Sumé
Serra Branca means "White Mountain"
Welcoming short-term missionaries
Destination – Sumé. There are a few small towns in the Brazilian Sertão with recent church plants. Building a community of faith there is tough work. The Catholic church is strong opposition. Teaching people that Jesus is a savior, and not just Mary’s child, is a message that will be opposed. But God provides.
Pastor AD Souto is a gifted musician and does amazing work with a keyboard. He arrived in Sumé during the height of COVID-19. Being new to the town and unable to do any normal evangelism was tough. However, God provided a way. In the Sertão, it is normally quite hot. People can’t afford air conditioning, so everyone is seeking cooler air in the evening. A gifted musician with a keyboard and loudspeakers can reach people in quite a large area. So, it was. Entertaining with music and sharing the truths of Jesus. AD and the church entrusted to him became known.
AD Souto has performed and preached many times in America.
Destination - Sumé
Pastor AD Souto and family

Views of the Town - Sumé
Destination – Sumé. The striking thing about Sumé is the mountain that looks over the city. As you can see from the above photo, the mountaintop provides an extraordinary place to survey the city and the surrounding valleys. As with most towns in the Sertao, Sumé is quite poor, but not a place of abject poverty. One does not see the kind of abject poverty that exists in Africa or Asia. As they say, Brazil is a land of great potential.
Destination – Sumé. The church is simple, but serves its purpose. Pastor AD Souto is a happy and high-energy guy who can really reach a crowd. That was what he did during the height of COVID-19, going to the streets preaching, entertaining and teaching from fhe front of his home. We welcomes the help of short-term American missionaries.
Sumé Church

Sign over the city

Children's Classroom

You can help bring the hope of Jesus to the people of Sumé. Reach children, young people, men and women as the good news of the gospel slowly tranforms this small city in the Sertão into a place where God is glorified. Come and help!