Sandra Lima Mission Update - September 2019
Reaching the Lost in East Timor
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”

Sandra Lima in East Timor – The grace and kindness of the Lord of Missions enables me to write to my precious readers another missionary letter. With the Lord’s help, I will share all that we experience in the field. I wish to put the emotions and experiences into beautiful lyrics. However, I cannot create a vision of utopian missions, for that is unrealistic. At the same time, I must balance the sublimity of the mission and present our adventures, and our learning. Fruitfulness or fruitlessness is in God’s hands. Our work requires faith and fear of God, for He ordained the task and I am speaking in his name.
These last months have been full of challenges and joys. In August, I celebrated my first full year in East Timor. I praise the Lord immensely for his care, support, and protection. I praise the Lord for my brothers in Christ and the churches who stand by me, with faithful servants on their knees in prayer for this cause. They greatly bless me with prayers, support, and encouragement.
Dear ones, in the last newsletter, I mentioned some prayer requests. Praise be to the Lord for many victories achieved:
- Computer and printer: Essential working tools for developing the Tell a Story Project. This is an oral translation of six or seven Bible stories and production of bilingual teaching material along with a mini illustrated dictionary. The Lord blessed us with one more computer and one excellent printer. The provision from on high came, and my heart was gladdened.
- Language Learning Another blessing is language learning, we are moving forward with the grace of the Lord. I completed a book and started a new book, pray for provision (physical, intellectual, and financial) for me to pursue my studies.
- Language Engagement In August, the Lord gave me the grace to prepare the first Portuguese Language competition in East Timor. It was a lot of fun and rewarding. We prepared a Portuguese music contest, I taught some Christian songs too, we had theater and then the most awaited moment, the spelling contest. The good hand of my God was with me all the time.
- Progress Last year, I prepared three major handouts (grammar, text interpretation and exercise book) for the three courses I teach Portuguese: Business, Gastronomy and Beauty Salon. In August, I was able to deliver a handout to all students (approximately 50), I was very happy. I am praying to deliver one more.
And More Victories!
- Place of work: I was doing this translation work at my home, but there came a time when I was no longer able to go on for various reasons. So I took a step of faith and rented a room in an organization, it’s only two afternoons a week, that’s what I can afford; but I am satisfied. Pray that I will get a workplace that will give me more conditions.
- A new Helper Another blessing that the Lord decided to add to my life was the provision of a Sara, a “monitor” in Portuguese classes. Sara is a 21-year-old Timorensene, a third-year university student of the Portuguese Language course at the country’s leading university – UNTL. I am delighted to be able to share my knowledge with her and prepare her to be the new Portuguese teacher of the organization I serve. Pray for her, for she is not a Christian.
- A Better Home – I have a new place to live, a provision of the Lord. In recent months I have had the opportunity to move and now I live near three missionaries. One is from Brazil, one from Germany and the other from France. Despite being a simple place away from the school it is closer to translation work and I feel safer.
- Helper John – Praise be to the Lord for the life of my brother in Christ, John. He always translates my information into English.
Praise Reports - Sandra Lima in East Timor
- Thanks be to the Lord for the favorable results of my mother’s examinations and that the Lord will grant her more years of blessing and peace.
- Praise God that my essential medicines (unavailable in East Timor) were found in the post office. The Almighty worked for me, according to His Sovereign Will.
- Gratitude to JUVEP for all logistical support in sending my medicines; and for all the brothers who have been engaged in this task of blessing me in this matter.
- I praise the Lord for the faithfulness of the brothers, churches, and friends who walk with me and I pray for more partners in this work.
Prayer Requests - Sandra Lima in East Timor
- Pray for financial provision for these outreach projects in East Timor.
- Pray for the salvation of the two Timorese girls who work with me on translating teaching materials and Bible stories. Though not Christian, they are helping me with the elaboration of our illustrated mini-dictionary and the transcripts of the interviews I am conducting on the Atauro Island Revival.
- Pray for provision to allow the purchase of a car, for it is very difficult to continue here without transportation.
In the love of Christ,
Sandra Lima in East Timor